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Implemo CRM Acceleration Products
CTI Loadtesting Framework : Implemo provides a comprehensive set of tools and solutions to run rigorous load testing on Siebel CTI environments. Our suite contains everything you need to ensure that your applications provide a high-quality end-user experience with Screen Pops within the specified SLAs and report on application readiness-in real-world deployment schedules.

Siebel Environment Migration Tool : Implemo has built deep experience in seamless Environment Migration for Siebel, so that the entire process takes much shorter time, is error-proof, and brings reliability into the process. Our migration Tool covers reference data movement (like LOVs, Products, Responsibilties, Views, etc) from source to destination system. Our EM Module has been proven at many client sites, and is easily usable within your current enterprise environment.

To enquire about any of our products or services, please feel welcome to contact us.
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